Design thinking in a nutshell

Are you missing out on innovative businesses?

Whether you feel like your missing out on delivering an innovative business or you simply want to advance in your organization design thinking can help you, here's how!

Design thinking is a process centered on action and creation - by creating and testing, we can continue to learn and improve our ideas.


5 key steps

  • Empathy – understanding the experience of the users who are in focus. Use observation, interactions and delve into their experiences!

  • Defining – processing and synthesizing the results from the previous phase in order to form a user point of view that we will deal with during the design process.

  • Ideation – exploring a wide range of possible solutions by generating a large number of different possible solutions!

  • Prototyping – turning ideas into physical form!

  • Testing – trying out the prototype and using observations and feedback to refine the prototype, learn more about the user and improve your original point of view!

Simple yet effective process that you can use to verify if there's anything worthy pushing towards go-to-market!

Happy to help if you need a hand!

Creativity is intelligence having fun

Albert Einstein

Much more to come so thanks for giving me a read and a share!
