Start-up mindset

Are you in the right head space for the start-up business?

Startup mindset

This game you decided to play is nothing but you, your mindset and your pace.

With pace being the most important factor!

Serena Williams

So, when things get crazy and hectic, here's what I like to do:


When the day of eveeeryting is aaa priooority hits remember whatever you start working on first is the best thing to start with, and keep the momentum


You might lose sight of your North Star but it cannot be hidden from you as long as you prioritize to work on tasks that SERVE those who entrusted you with their time and $$

  • PACE

Slow dfq down and I mean it! If you sprint your way towards the goal you'll end up travelling in high bursts of energy when cognitive system is at its lowest, meaning you have no sPACE for decision-making

There you go!

If you're behind focus on one point at a time. Don't focus on the score. Don't focus on anything else. Just focus on that one point.

Serena Williams

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Much more to come so thanks for giving me a read! Sandra